Legal Notice

This page notice states The Terms and Conditions under which you may use the following web site , makes available to Internet users. ascribes the condition of User and implies the absolute acceptance, without reserve on the users part, everyone and each one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice. All the intellectual property rights of the Web site as well as its contents belong, to Nonsenseminiatures or to third parties, for which NON OF THE USERS are authorise to print or in any case store any of its contents other than for private and personal use. To modify, sell, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use the Material in any way for any public or commercial purpose is prohibited. You are only authorize to use the contents of the web site for information or service purposes, being the User entirely rengonsible of the wrong usage of them.

To have access to the information within the Web site and to make use of its services, minors must previously obtain permission from its parents, tutors or legal agents. All the data, text, information, graphics or links published in this Web site, are compiled for informative purposes only, for all those persons that might be interested in them without implying o generating a commercial or contractual relation between the User and Nonsenseminiatures in case of discrepancy between the contents on the Web site and that written on paper, shall be taken for correct this last one. Nonsenseminiatures reserves the right to make changes to the content of the Web site at its own discretion.

The links and hypertext that might facilitate the access through the web site to services or loans offered by a third party, do not belong or are under the control of Nonsenseminiatures Who shall not be rengonsible or liable either for its information and contents or for the result derived from the information that may contain. Users are categorically prohibited from introducing any kind of virus in the web site, as well as trying to have access or modify internal information data, E-mail accounts, messages, etc. In accordance with the Ley Orgánica 15/1999 of 13 Of December on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), all data supplied by the user will not be incorporated on to any automatic file processing.

The Personal data will be treated with the degree of Protection in accordance with the Real Decreto 994/1999, 11 of June, taking all the security measures necessary to avoid its alteration, loss or unauthorised processing or access by third persons that could use it for different purposes to those previously agreed with the User. Finally, the User has the right to oppose, access, rectify and cancel his/hers personal data. Nonsenseminiatures Does not warrant the quality, accuracy, trustworthiness, correctness or morality of the data, programs, information or opinions, whichever its origin, that might circulate throughout the site or sites that the User might be able to access through

The Client agrees to leave exempt nonsenseminiatures of any rengonsibility related with the Web site The User is entirely rengonsible of any of the consequences, damages or actions taken derived from the access at such contents as well as its reproduction or diffusion. Nonsenseminiatures will not be rengonsible of Users infringements that might affect the rights of other Users of, or third persons, including the copyrights, trade marks, patents, confidential information or any other industrial or intellectual property. Nonsenseminiatures shall take civil or penal action arising from the inappropriate or unauthorised use of the Web site Any Legal Action taken that may occur in relation with this site and the violation of its Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Spanish Courts of Law.

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